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Children's Ministries

Children's Ministries

SUMMARY: Our children are the future of our families, our nation and our church.  It is for this very reason that we have a great desire to see these children grow in the knowledge and understanding of God and His word.  While this is our main focus and goal, we keep it fun and entertaining for them as well with plenty of object lessons balanced with learning God’s word so they want to keep coming back.  Children as a general rule are broken up into classes by age or grade.  Nursery (birth-2yrs), 2’s & 3’s, 4’s & 5’s, grades 1st–3rd, and grades 4th–6th.  Everyone is checked in and you will be pointed to their classroom. 

A Note from the Children’s Director:

Dear Parents:

I want you to know a few things about our church. 

Cleanliness — First, especially with COVID-19 wrapping up and germs being on the for-front of many people’s minds, I want you to know that we have not changed our policies in the Children’s Department in any way.  That is because we are practiced in this already.  Our Nursery instituted booties for our workers last year, and shoes are covered beyond the gate, keeping shoe traffic out.  The toys are dis-infected after each classroom is used, and has isolated brooms, and Swiffer’s for mopping the floors in each of the decorated classrooms.  Teachers make sure they are washing their hands, and the changing tables after each use, so that germs are limited that way. 

Security — Children are checked in using a computer program that issues a name tag for each visit.  A parent tag is also issued with a code that is used to pick up each child.  The child’s tag prints your name and phone number so it is readily available in the event that a teacher needs to reach you.  Please silent your phone for service, but leave it on vibrate so you are alerted directly if we need you for any reason.  The best part of our security for the children is that at our church you are not just a code, a number, a visitor, or someone to be looked past.  We want to meet you and talk to you and form relationships with you because we genuinely care about you and your child.  Please let us know how we can do that best for you. 

Family — Thirdly, I want you know that I am a parent of four children that I dearly love.  I have a 2, 6, 9, and 12 year old.  As I plan activities, lessons, and events my focus is what more can I do, to draw these children to the Lord.  I want them to love going to church, so that it makes the parent’s life easier, and when they are struggling in their adult years, they remember that church was where they found love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness.  If you have any feedback to how we can do that better I would love to hear it.  Everyone can have a say in making improvements. 

Research — Finally, as some consider even starting to attend church for the first time, I want you to know that both Stanford and Harvard have done studies on children that prove that when children regularly attend church with their parents, they are twice are likely to be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually balanced adults. 

I hope that I get to meet you soon.  If you have any questions or concerns people call me at the church office (727-849-6352), or send me an email (

Teralyn King

Children’s Director


Activities for Children:

Small Groups — Sundays 9:30am in the Family Life Center (FLC).  During this time children focus on a Bible story.  It is taught through listening to the story from a teacher, reading it from the bible (according to age), discussing it, and diving deeper into it through hands-on activities.  Donuts or snacks are available before the beginning of this time.  Snack is only served in nursery, with no snack for other ages during this class.

Service — Sundays 10:50 in the FLC.  The story is re-taught, and new activities are experienced so that if they are present for both they are not board, and if they are only there for this time, they still learn the story.  Grades 1st through 6th are combined during this time.  On the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, as a class, they walk over to join in the worship in the sanctuary.  During the offering song, as a class, they return to the FLC and have another Bible story with discussion and hands on activities to go with it.  They, then, get to enjoy a game or two in the gym where they can burn off some energy.  Snack is served during this time for all children’s classes.  Snack varies by week but includes snacks that reflect the lesson, Cheez-Its, Vanilla Wafers, Goldfish crackers, Graham Crackers, or the like.   

Sunday Nights — During the Fall and Spring Semester our church offers BASIC classes.  For adults these classes cover life basics such as cooking, praying, meeting with God, learning about the church, adoption classes, Israel Trip classes, how to write a song, crafting or another life skill.  For the children, during the fall, they practice all semester to perform a musical the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  They have singing, and a few acting parts.  Then, in the Spring, they do arts and crafts to decorate for Vacation Bible School (VBS), and they get to play board games. 

Wednesday Nights: AWANA — During the school year we offer AWANA in the FLC where kids get to memorize Bible verses, learn about the Bible usually by object lesson, and play active games.  In AWANA they get to earn awards, build a car for the grand prix, participate in a campout, and make many friends. 

Wednesday Nights: Summer Time — During the summer break we have G.L.O.W (Growing, Love, Obedience & Worship) in the FLC.  During this time they start off with Gym time and get to play an active  game.  Then, they get to watch a recorded skit, do a coloring activity, do a hands on activity, have a snack, and wrap up.  This time is meant to be kept summer time focused and fun where kids love to come week after week even during the summer.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) — VBS comes once a year.  We have it from 6pm to 8:30pm for ages 0-105 years old.  That is right parents get to do it too.  For the children they get to check-in and do a rally in the sanctuary before heading off to games, snacks, music, crafts, and of course the Bible Story.  Adults participate in rally followed by Bible time, and then they get to do their own snack and craft time, before picking up the kiddos.  We would love to have you join us.   

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