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Sharing the Gospel

Sharing the Gospel

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)


Testimonies help personalize the Gospel message sent by God to mankind. For that reason, we as believers should be prepared to share the story of how we met Christ. That is the vision driving The LEGACY Project. As part of that project, the First Baptist Church Elfers' members listed below participated in a nine-week class to learn how to write about how they met Jesus. 

“Oh Happy Day! When Jesus Washed my Sins Away . . .”

The Testimony of Rita Gruzlewski 

“God Is my Strength & my Song”

The Testimony of Kimberly King 

“Stealing Psalm 40”

The Testimony of Jim Lamb 

“How I Learned to Cast my Burdens on Jesus”

The Testimony of Jo-Lynn Lamb 

“Accepting His Gift: My Journey from Works to Grace”

The Testimony of Gene Obenreder 

“Trusting Him”

The Testimony of Lisa Obenreder 

“Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Special Because of Jesus”

The Testimony of Teresa Prose 

“Saved by the Blood of Christ, Not by Works . . .”

The Testimony of Wayne Schmitz